Providing high quality and one-stop shop services to corporates and other institutions

Vesuvius Infra Projects Pvt Ltd

A little about us and a breif history of how we started.

is a young firm, setup by professionals with prior institutional employment experience, seeking to create an organized and professional entity in the construction service space, by providing high quality and one-stop shop services to corporates and other institutions.

Actively executing works in the following spaces:

  • Corporate office interiors (incl. Design, Civil & Interior, MEP, HVAC, Data & Voice, System Furniture, Loose Furniture, Artwork etc.)
  • Finishing works in building projects (Flooring, Ceiling, Painting, Waterproofing, external works, landscaping, etc.)


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Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hend rerit in vulputate velit esse molestie vel illum dolore nulla facilisis.

Our Best Staff

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24 Hours Services

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hend rerit in vulputate velit esse molestie vel illum dolore nulla facilisis.


Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate. Etiam elit elit, elementum sed varius at, adipiscing
vitae est. Sed nec felis pellentesque, lacinia dui sed, ultricies sapien.

Providing high quality
and one-stop shop services to corporates and other institutions

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Some of certificates which we got.

Our Clients

Some of our esteemed clients.